Fig. 1. Inhibition of ASC attenuate the visfatin-induced inflammasomes formation in podocytes. A. Confocal images representing the colocalization of Nlrp3 (green) with Asc (red) in podocytes (original magnification, x400). B. Summarized data showing the fold change of Pearson coefficient correlation (PCC) for the colocalization of NLRP3 with Asc and Nlrp3 with Caspase-1. n=5 each group. Ctrl: Control, Vehi: Vehicle, Scram: Scramble, Asc si: Asc siRNA, Casp-1: Caspase-1. * Significant difference (P<0.05) compared to the control group; # Significant difference (P<0.05) compared to the visfatin (vehicle) group.